Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pre-Holiday Edition

Well the interwebz is starting to quiet down for the holidays, and most of what's out there is still Worlds reports, but there are a few pieces out this week I wanted to talk about.

Jesse Hartman {Name fixed, sorry}over at wrote about his new UW list. As always he puts forward a well thought out decklist. UW is always my default deck, as I already have most of the pieces. I typically bounce back to it while i'm working on a new homebrew. (Lately, I haven't been able to put down the Mono R Control deck I've been constantly tweaking, also originated from I could see myself running a version like this, but I wish he had addressed why there's not Jace Beleren's in the main board of a deck sporting Sun Titan. That is by far the best interaction for Sun Titan. His deck does have other great targets like Calcite Snapper and Tectonic Edge, but recurring Planeswalkers is, indeed, busted.

We also got a super sweet tactics article from Conrad Kolos spiced up fro Extended Season. He covers How to Beat Cryptic Command.  Not only does he gush about how amazing the card is, he discusses why he thinks he wont be playing it this season, and the 5 (not-so) simple ways to beat it. This was a well thought out article. It provided me a way to think about playing around your opponents key spells, and/or punishing them with your card choice.  This article will likely be influential to the minimal amount of Extended I'll be playing.

I have to say, when Kelly Reid puts out an article, anyone who isn't paying for MTG with allowance from their mommy should listen. He writes about spikes in prices in the Legacy format.  I've been slowly pawning off all my legacy legal stuff, but never really owned most of the good stuff, just a few duals here, few fetches there. Lately, I've been interested in Legacy, and been put off by the cost of just the manabase. Seeing as I don't follow legacy pricing much, I was appalled to see that Tarmogoyf is now worth double it's price when it was in Standard, and Legacy is the only format where it's legal! This is a bit intimidating, but I need to give props to Kelly, as I remember him making this general call not long ago.

Patrick Chapin promised me, via twitter, that his next article on Monday would be about a Spring Tide deck. You'll certainly see me comment on this next week. Islands are cheap :).

1 comment:

  1. bear in mind that my article was written in Feb 2010 (before they removed TSP from extended). Even so, some of the calls were prophetic. I was surprised to read them, even having written them myself about 10 months ago!
